Make tacos on Friday night

At some point in the 90s Norwegians were introduced to tacos, and the love affair has only grown and grown over the years. A major driving force of this is Taco Friday, or tacofredag. Every Friday across the country Norwegians get together to make tacos. It’s estimated that each week, at least 13% of the country is doing just this.

Originally introduced to Norway by the USA, the tacos here take several forms. Often using a soft burrito instead of a hard corn shell, they can best be described as “TexMex,” which is slightly different from traditional Mexican tacos. Along with that you can expect very little spice and, for some unknown reason, cold corn added to everything.

It’s a well-beloved tradition in Norway and a great opportunity for social dinners. If you’re lucky enough to get an invite to tacofredag from a Norwegian, be sure to accept it. This might be your best chance to get to know them.

When it comes to food traditions, Norwegians have a delightful and somewhat unexpected one – Taco Friday. While tacos are a beloved dish in many parts of the world, the significance of having tacos on Friday evenings in Norway is a cultural phenomenon with a fascinating history. In this article, we’ll explore the origins and development of Taco Friday in Norwegian cuisine.

A Mexican Treat in Norway

Tacos, a staple of Mexican cuisine, might seem like an unusual choice for Norwegian Friday dinners, but this culinary tradition has been embraced for decades. The origins of Taco Friday in Norway can be traced back to the late 20th century.

Influences from Abroad

The fascination with tacos in Norway started with international exposure. Television and travel opened up the world to Norwegians, and they began to explore and adopt various global culinary influences. Tacos, with their combination of flavors and the flexibility to customize, quickly gained popularity.

The Pioneering Brands

Two brands played a significant role in popularizing Taco Friday in Norway. First, the food company Mills introduced the first taco seasoning mix in the 1970s. It allowed Norwegians to replicate the flavors of traditional Mexican tacos with ease. Secondly, the food brand Santa Maria launched their taco products in Norway in the early 1990s, further fueling the trend.

Taco Friday Takes Hold

While initially viewed as exotic, Tacos gained acceptance in Norwegian households as a quick and easy Friday dinner option. The simplicity of preparing taco ingredients, such as minced meat, vegetables, sour cream, and salsa, contributed to the tradition’s appeal. It was a convenient way for families to create a communal and customizable meal.

Taco Friday Rituals

Taco Friday became more than just a meal. It became a social event. Families and friends would gather around the table, assembling their tacos and enjoying the experience together. The concept of “fredagstaco” (Friday taco) was born, and it became a weekly ritual that transcended generations.

The Norwegian Twist

While Norwegians adopted the Mexican concept of tacos, they added their own twist to the tradition. Taco fillings in Norway often include toppings like shrimp salad, cucumber, and red bell peppers alongside the more traditional ingredients. It’s a fusion of international and local tastes.

Modern-Day Popularity

Taco Friday has retained its popularity in Norway and is considered a beloved and almost sacred tradition. Even restaurants and food chains offer special Taco Friday menus, and it’s a common theme for dinner parties and gatherings. There’s even an unofficial “Taco Day” on October 4th.


Taco Friday in Norway is a testament to the evolving nature of cuisine and the influence of global cultures. What started as an exotic novelty has become an integral part of Norwegian food culture. It’s a tradition that reflects the modern, adaptable, and open-minded nature of Norwegian society, as well as a delicious and communal way to welcome the weekend. Taco Friday in Norway proves that culinary traditions can be as diverse and inclusive as the world itself.

Becoming Norwegian

How to become a Norwegian by doing these things.

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