BankID: A way to validate your identity on Norwegian government and banking websites.
Brunost: A brown cheese (although typically a by-product of cheese production) considered an important part of cultural identity for Norwegians.
D number: A temporary resident number given to new arrivals. It’s like a personal number used by a Norwegian citizen.
Dugnad: A social and volunteer culture activity where neighbors or colleagues get together to improve something together.
DUF number: A way to track your application through UDI for work and resident permits.
Fjord: Its basic meaning, “where one fares through,” has the same origin as the verb fare (travel) and the noun ferry. The narrow canyons with steep sides called fjords were formed by giant glaciers slowly moving across the land and carving these paths.
Kvikk Lunsj: The Norwegian version of a KitKat bar. You eat these with your Norwegian colleagues after a good cross-country ski. Norwegians just love milk chocolate!
Hytte: A Norwegian cabin and where Norwegians go to relax and get away from things.
Janteloven: A social concept where individual success is discouraged and, in many cases, considered inappropriate.
Julebord: Literally meaning the Christmas table, it’s a holiday dinner with friends or colleagues where everyone eats and drinks way too much.
Kahoot!: A Norwegian quiz game with catchy music that is often played at school and social events.
Koselig: Being cozy is something Norwegians enjoying doing and make ample time for. Often this is something as simple as lighting candles and reading a book.
Nachspiel: The Norwegian after party that can go very, very late into the evening or next day.
Syden: Meaning “to go south,” it’s something Norwegians do often to travel and get more sun.
Vipps: A peer-to-peer payment app used by almost all Norwegians that makes it easy to split bills and pay friends without the awkwardness of having to ask for money.
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- Grünerløkka Neighborhood of Oslo
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- What is Norwegian work culture?
- How do Norwegians show respect?
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- Hyttevenner or Cabin Friends in Norway
- Loppemarked or the Norwegian Flea Market
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- Norwegians in Syden
- Søndagsro or Sunday Quietness
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- Smalahove
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- The Norwegian Bus
- Fårikål Norwegian Cabbage Stew
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- The Norwegian nachspiel or afterparty
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- Fjord Frenzy: Your Ultimate Guide to Norway’s Natural Wonders
- Working with Norwegians
- Working with Norwegians PDF
- Working with Norwegians Reviews
- Table of Contents
- Free E-Book
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- Glossary: Barnehage
- Norwegians at Bus Stop
- Does Amazon Kindle and Kindle Unlimited Work in Norway/Norge?
- Guides to Norway
- The Loud American: Working with Norwegians
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- ISBN 9788269007299
- Negotiating Techniques in Norway
- Sitemap
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- Oslo Duftlys
- Eau De Frogner duftlys
- Gaveideer til innflytting Oslo
- Investor Update Shit Beta
- Work in Norway
- Resources
- Norwegian Culture
- Oslo Neighborhoods
- Bitcoin
- Norwegian Holidays
- Travel
- Work in Norway
- Finance
- Norwegian Food
- Resources
- Norwegian Culture
- Move to Norway
- Working With Norwegians
- Norwegian Cities